Making sense of COVID-19.

It’s been exhausting and stressful to adapt our lives around COVID-19. Here’s how I led the Oregon Health Authority — the state’s public health agency — to meet the moment on social to empower Oregonians to stay healthy.

Like that friend who knows what’s up.

Being mindful of information fatigue meant re-imagining public health updates as actionable, clear and informative — and ones shared in the group chat.

Let's get vaccinated

Let's get vaccinated

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout required synthesizing rapidly evolving eligibility information while being mindful of concern.

To build vaccine confidence, the Oregon Health Authority tuned into real-time conversations to better support (and recognize!) people in Oregon making the decision to protect themselves and their communities.

The result? A spot for people to share their experience.

Getting the facts.

To address disinformation, the agency broke down the science — like why boosters are necessary — and offered tips to Oregonians so that they could spot and tackle misinformation and disinformation themselves.


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